Our Story :
We are an advertising agency. We do promotional activities through social media (Since 2009). Our journey started in 2009 with a small team. In that time we are not active in facebook. We contact the direct customer through a meeting or by phone calls. Our journey starts with a small product ( MEMORY CARD and Second-Hand mobiles )
- We created Blog in Blogspot 2010 January 15 ( https://hamronepalibazaar.blogspot.com)
- We created Blog in Wordpress ( Https://hamronepalibazar.wordpress.com)
- We created Facebook Group in 2011 October 14. ( https://facebook.com/groups/nepalibazar) Now 399000 Members.
- We Created Facebook Page in 2014 January 14. ( Https://facebook.com/hamronepalibazaar)
- We Created Website in 2015 March 13. ( https://hamronepalibazar.com
- In 2020 December our FB page is hacked so we created new Fb Page ( Https://facebook.com/hnbnepal)
- We made our group paid membership since 2020 after 1st (( https://facebook.com/groups/nepalibazar)
- Our Facebook Group is hacked and we created new group ; Https://facebook.com/groups/hamronepalibazar
Below are our links:
Website: https://hamronepalibazar.com or https://hnb.com.np or https://hamronepalibazar.com.np
Facebook Group: Https://group.hamronepalibazar.com
Facebook Page: Https://fb.hamronepalibazar.com
Twitter: Https://twitter.hamronepalibazar.com
Youtube channel: Https://youtube.hamronepalibazar.com
Linkedin: Https://linkedin.hamronepalibazar.com
HamroNepalibazar.com is a free online classifed website where any one can post freely. ( No Hidden charges) .
Donate Us
HamroNepaliBazar is and will always be free,. Sending money to HamroNepaliBazar developers is another way to support the community. If you think that our some support for your product made a change then you can donate us, so that our life will be a little bit easier. Sometimes we just need to hear users are happy to use our platform.
We will mention you in our donator page:). 25% donation will be given to the needed person of Nepal.
If you want to donate us then below are the details.
Donate Us By Esewa: 9803815872
Donate Us By Khalti: 9803815872
Or by Bank deposit or by balance transfer :)
You can mention a specific Moderator if you want to donate that moderator only.
Thank you
Jay Nepal
We do promotional activities in Newspaper , Radio , Tv , and other social media Etc . (With charges)
For More details please do contact us . +977-9803815872 / 9841746527